a hand holding a tube for microneedling with PRP

Enhance Your Skin with Microneedling with PRP at Castle Rock, Colorado

Elevate your skincare routine with Microneedling with PRP at Castle Rock, Colorado. Colorado Beauty RN invites you to experience the transformative benefits of this advanced treatment. Our expert team combines the power of microneedling with Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) to rejuvenate your skin. Trust in our skilled practitioners to deliver tailored solutions in the heart of Castle Rock.

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Why You Need It:

  • Adding Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) to your microneedling treatment often yields faster and more visible results.
  • PRP involves drawing a small amount of the patient's blood, which is then processed to isolate and concentrate platelets and growth factors.Then, it is microneedled strategically into the skin to stimulate collagen, tighten the skin, improve skin texture, and reduce the appearance of lines and wrinkles. PRP has powerful growth factors that work on repairs and structural support in deeper depths in the skin rebuilding from the inside out.
  • Clinically proven to build new collagen and elastin.
  • Helps improve fine lines, wrinkles, and texture.
  • Increases the absorption rate of topical products.
  • Performed by experienced estheticians who will keep you looking natural and refreshed.

What to Expect:

  • During your treatment, your provider will apply topical numbing cream for 15-20 minutes to help alleviate any discomfort. 
  • This treatment uses a device that has numerous small, sterile needles in a cartridge that make multiple micro-punctures in your skin.
  • Your skin will look red and tight after the treatment.
  • Appointment Length:

    • 60-75 minutes.
  • Frequency of Treatment:

    • A series of 4-6 microneedling treatments are necessary for optimal results. Microneedling may be done each month. Boost your results anytime with PRP.
  • Downtime:

    • For 24-48 hours, your skin may look pink and feel like you have a sunburn. Skin may feel tight, dry, or sensitive to the touch. Redness or sensitivity are normal.

Post Care:

  • The next day, you may cleanse with a gentle cleanser and fingertips. DO NOT use a washcloth or facial cleansing brush of any kind. Pat area dry.
  • Use sunscreen and reapply after every 2 hours of sun exposure to protect new skin.
  • Do not use any physical or chemical exfoliation (retinol, etc) products for at least 5 days after.
  • You may notice skin dryness and flaking. This is due to an increased turnover of skin cells.
  • Do not pick, scratch, or scrub! Allow old skin to flake off naturally and KEEP SKIN MOISTURIZED AT ALL TIMES.
  • It is recommended that makeup should not be applied for 24 hours after the treatment. Do not apply any makeup with a makeup brush, especially if it is not clean.


  • Retail - $199 add-on to microneedling treatment